The My GI Foundation operates almost exclusively on donations. We like to go out in the community to meet donors and to forge friendships and partnerships. Memorabilia auctions, car shows, 5K runs, public speaking engagements, golf outings, and serving as an invited public guest have all been positives for us. Our network of four volunteers are always looking for funds or grant opportunities. Everything we collect is used for veterans, active military, or their families. Covid-19 has effected our donations significantly. All non-profits have been effected, but when you rely mostly on cash donations, the loss of donations really stings. You can donate via PayPal or credit card. We are receiving lots of calls and emails and are staying afloat, but we can't let my military heroes down. If you need a W-9 form or would like to donate by check, please send your tax deductible gift to the My GI Foundation 6117 Southern Hills Dr. Goshen, OH 45122. 100% of your donation will serve American veterans.